- bayesammi::MaizData for Genotypes by Environment Interaction (GEI)
- baystability::cultivo2008Data for Genotypes by Environment Interaction (GEI)
- baystability::cultivo2009Data for Genotypes by Environment Interaction (GEI)
- DiallelAnalysisR::GriffingData1Data for Diallel Analysis using Griffing Approach Method 1
- DiallelAnalysisR::GriffingData2Data for Diallel Analysis using Griffing Approach Method 2
- DiallelAnalysisR::GriffingData3Data for Diallel Analysis using Griffing Approach Method 3
- DiallelAnalysisR::GriffingData4Data for Diallel Analysis using Griffing Approach Method 4
- DiallelAnalysisR::HaymanDataData for Diallel Analysis using Hayman's Approach
- DiallelAnalysisR::PartialDiallelDataData for Partial Diallel Analysis
- eda4treeR::DataExam2.1Data for Example 2.1 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- eda4treeR::DataExam2.2Data for Example 2.2 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- eda4treeR::DataExam3.1Data for Example 3.1 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- eda4treeR::DataExam3.1.1Data for Example 3.1.1 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- eda4treeR::DataExam4.3Data for Example 4.3 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- eda4treeR::DataExam4.3.1Data for Example 4.3.1 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- eda4treeR::DataExam4.4Data for Example 4.4 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- eda4treeR::DataExam5.1Data for Example 5.1 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- eda4treeR::DataExam5.2Data for Example 5.2 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- eda4treeR::DataExam6.2Data for Example 6.2 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- eda4treeR::DataExam8.1Data for Example 8.1 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- eda4treeR::DataExam8.2Data for Example 8.2 from Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
- PakPC2017::PakPC2017BalochistanBalochistan Province data from Pakistan Population Census 2017
- PakPC2017::PakPC2017City10Top 10 Cities data from Pakistan Population Census 2017
- PakPC2017::PakPC2017FATAFATA Province data from Pakistan Population Census 2017
- PakPC2017::PakPC2017IslamabadIslamabad data from Pakistan Population Census 2017
- PakPC2017::PakPC2017KPKKPK Province data from Pakistan Population Census 2017
- PakPC2017::PakPC2017PakPakistan data from Pakistan Population Census 2017
- PakPC2017::PakPC2017PakistanPakistan data from Pakistan Population Census 2017
- PakPC2017::PakPC2017PunjabPunjab Province data from Pakistan Population Census 2017
- PakPC2017::PakPC2017SindhSindh Province data from Pakistan Population Census 2017
- PakPC2017::PakPC2017TehsilPakistan Tehsil data from Pakistan Population Census 2017
- PakPC2017::PakPop2017Pakistan Population data from Pakistan Population Census 2017
- PakPC2023::PakPC2023PakPakistan data from Pakistan Population Census 2023
- PakPC2023::PakPC2023PakDistDistrict data from Pakistan Population Census 2023
- PakPC2023::PakPC2023PakDivDivisional data from Pakistan Population Census 2023
- PakPC2023::TABLE_01Area, population by sex, sex ratio, population density, urban proportion, household size and annual growth rate
- PakPC2023::TABLE_02Urban localities by population size and their population by sex, annual growth rate and household size
- PakPC2023::TABLE_03Number of rural localities by population size and their population by sex
- PakPC2023::TABLE_04Population by single year age, sex and rural/urban
- PakPC2023::TABLE_05Population by selected age group, sex and rural/urban
- PakPC2023::TABLE_06Population (15 years and above) by age group, sex, marital status and rural/urban
- PakPC2023::TABLE_07Population (15 years and above) by relationship to the head of household, sex, marital status and rural/urban
- PakPC2023::TABLE_08Population by sex, age group, relationship to the head of household and rural/urban
- PakPC2023::TABLE_09Population by sex, religion and rural/urban
- PakPC2023::TABLE_10Population by nationality, age group, sex and rural/urban
- PakPC2023::TABLE_11Population by mother tongue, sex and rural/urban
- PakPC2023::TABLE_12Literacy rate, enrolments, and out-of-school population by sex and rural/urban
- PakPC2023::TABLE_13APopulation and literacy rate for special age groups by rural/urban and sex
- PakPC2023::TABLE_13BPopulation and literacy rate for special age groups by rural/urban and sex
- PakPC2023::TABLE_16Disability and functional limitation by region and gender
- PakPC2023::TABLE_17Disability and functional limitation for special age group by rural/urban
- PakPC2023::TABLE_20Type of housing unit by region
- PakPC2023::TABLE_21Types of households by population and sex, rural/urban
- PakPC2023::TABLE_22Housing characteristics, facilities used for fuel, lighting and kitchen by region
- PakPC2023::TABLE_23Housing facilities by sources of drinking water by region
- PakPC2023::TABLE_24Housing characteristics by housing structure, type of toilet and washroom by region
- PakPC2023::TABLE_25Housing characteristics by residential status, ownership and number of rooms by region
- PakPC2023::TABLE_26Total number of structure by types and rural/urban
- PakPMICS2014Ch::MICS2014ChMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Child Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
- PakPMICS2014HH::MICS2014HHMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Household Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
- PakPMICS2014HL::MICS2014HLMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Household Listing Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
- PakPMICS2014Wm::MICS2014WmMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Women Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
- PakPMICS2018bh::PakPMICS2018bhMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2018 Child Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
- PakPMICS2018fs::PakPMICS2018fsMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2018 Children Age 5-17 Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
- PakPMICS2018hh::PakPMICS2018hhMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2018 Household Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
- PakPMICS2018mm::PakPMICS2018mmMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2018 Child Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
- PakPMICS2018mn::PakPMICS2018mnMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2018 Child Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan
- PSLM2015::AgricultureAgriculture data from Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measures 2015
- PSLM2015::EducationEducation data from Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement 2015-16
- PSLM2015::EmploymentEmployment and income data from Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement 2015-16
- PSLM2015::ExpenditureHousehold's total expenditure data from Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement 2015-16
- PSLM2015::HHRosterHouseHold roster data from Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement 2015-16
- PSLM2015::HousingHousing data from Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement 2015-16
- PSLM2015::ICTInformation and communication technology data from Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measures 2015
- PSLM2015::LiveStockLiveStock data from Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measures 2015
- stability::ge_dataData for Genotypes by Environment Interaction (GEI)
- StroupGLMM::DataExam2.B.2Data for Example 2.B.2 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup (p-54)
- StroupGLMM::DataExam2.B.3Data for Example 2.B.3 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup (p-55)
- StroupGLMM::DataExam2.B.4Data for Example 2.B.4 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup (p-54)
- StroupGLMM::DataExam2.B.7Data for Example 2.B.7 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup (p-60)
- StroupGLMM::DataSet3.1Data for Example 3.1 and Example 3.2 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet3.2DataSt3.2 for Example 3.3, Example 3.4, Example3.6, Example3.8 and Example 3.9 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet3.3Data for Example3.7 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet4.1Data for Example 4.1 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet5.1Data for Example 5.1 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet5.2Data for Example 5.2 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet7.1Data for Example 7.1 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet7.2Data for Example 7.2 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet7.3Data for Example 7.3 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet7.4Data for Example 7.4 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet7.4rsmData for Example 7.4 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet7.6Data for Example 7.6 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet7.7Data for Example 7.7 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet8.1Data for Example 8.1 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet8.2Data for Example 8.2 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet8.3Data for Example 8.3 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet8.4Data for Example 8.4 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet9.1Data for Example 9.1 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet9.2Data for Example 9.2 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::DataSet9.4Data for Example 9.4 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::Table1.1Data for Table1.1 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup
- StroupGLMM::Table1.2Data for Table1.2 from Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup(p-10)
- SupMZ::BelgiumData contains Household Consumption (C) and GDP (Y) for Belgium from 1969 to 1998.
- SupMZ::JapanData contains Household Consumption (C) and GDP (Y) for Japan from 1978 to 2007.
- SupMZ::SrilankaData contains Household Consumption (C) and GDP (Y) for Sri Lanka from 1978 to 2006.
- VetResearchLMM::ex121ex121 from Duchateau, L. and Janssen, P. and Rowlands, G. J. (1998)._Linear Mixed Models. An Introduction with applications in Veterinary Research_. International Livestock Research Institute.
- VetResearchLMM::ex124ex124 from Duchateau, L. and Janssen, P. and Rowlands, G. J. (1998)._Linear Mixed Models. An Introduction with applications in Veterinary Research_. International Livestock Research Institute.
- VetResearchLMM::ex125ex125 from Duchateau, L. and Janssen, P. and Rowlands, G. J. (1998)._Linear Mixed Models. An Introduction with applications in Veterinary Research_. International Livestock Research Institute.
- VetResearchLMM::ex127ex127 from Duchateau, L. and Janssen, P. and Rowlands, G. J. (1998)._Linear Mixed Models. An Introduction with applications in Veterinary Research_. International Livestock Research Institute.
- VetResearchLMM::ex31ex31 from Duchateau, L. and Janssen, P. and Rowlands, G. J. (1998)._Linear Mixed Models. An Introduction with applications in Veterinary Research_. International Livestock Research Institute.
- VetResearchLMM::ex32ex32 from Duchateau, L. and Janssen, P. and Rowlands, G. J. (1998)._Linear Mixed Models. An Introduction with applications in Veterinary Research_. International Livestock Research Institute.
- VetResearchLMM::ex33ex33 from Duchateau, L. and Janssen, P. and Rowlands, G. J. (1998)._Linear Mixed Models. An Introduction with applications in Veterinary Research_. International Livestock Research Institute.